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Dandy Weirdo

This post is written Wednesday, November 14, 2012, a couple hours after statistic exam. I am tired, but also cannot rest. The burden that have just passed made me so excited to rest. That's why I write this down. Almost three weeks since the last time I wrote here. Hectic days of midterm exams have taken all my attention. However, her I am, sound and alive.

I don't want to talk about the exam, it's over, at least for now. I write about trivia things here, (means nothing important, and true, there are nothing important here); about me, what I have done and been through for the last four months. Since July 2012, I have been taking Master in Public Administration program at Maxwell School of public Administration and International Affairs, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA. The school is listed as #1 school in public administration by US News, above Harvard Kennedy School (although I do not really believe it because they rejected my application, while Syracuse accepted it). After all, that doesn't really matter (see, that's why this is trivia, nothing is matter here). Any how, this school is a very good school, respected and well known (although I have not done any hypothesis test yet. to show you that I really was just finished statistics).

On my first contact with America, I mean real direct contact, when I apply for Visa, the Visa interviewer at US Embassy (Jakarta, Indonesia), tried to erase my doubt. He said that, "Maxwell huh, good school". He was a nice person, I am sorry that I did not remember his name. The problem is that my brain cells are communists in treating western name. They are just data for them. They hardly put it in a special noticeable file so I can remember. This applied to any other name that I met after it. It's not me, just my brain. I should have remembered it, because he convince me that I am making a good choice. The second contact was when I pass through US Immigration's isle, JFK International Airport. My former typical American guy, before I really live here (obese, relax and proud) in the booth greet me, and state an almost similar expression. "You'll make a good job. Good salary and good job" he said, "good school". I was embraced with promise of a good school, not by a school management member, but by America, even before I step a foot on the school it self.

So, I came out of the international airport, went to the domestic terminal, and wait there for 6 hours, and fly to Syracuse. I was so Excited. At the end of the day, I was stranded in a desolate city. It was summer, 3 PM, and there was no body on the street in downtown Syracuse. WTF, what am I doing here, I though. Any how, more than four months later, here I am, alive.

Living in Syracuse is nice though. I am not sure whether I can say that my experience here can represet the experience of living in America because from the way every body talk about living here make me doubt it. After all, to describe it, I can say it is a nice neighborhood, the air is fresh, the view is not bad. Though it is not so exciting. 

The school is nice, and especially the people are nicer. Although I am not a nice person, there are no problem at all to socialize here ( I cannot remember when did the last time I socialize). I was directly embraced as part of the party of Maxwell, by the administration office (off course because I pay) and by colleagues and professor. The only problem is me. Alas, my introvert personality, does not end with the border. However, I am glad that it does not really matter for others here. I can enjoy my self here, with my beautiful park of solitude. Though so, I should have left it at home, so I can be more friendly here. (This is a resolution that keep appearing in my new year resolutions, but I never succeed to achieve it).  After all, to be honest, the thing that I enjoy most  here is Being alone in the crowd. I do not need to be rude to stay by my self, it made it comfortable. This could be heaven if only I can have my family here.

The university is nice. The first day of school was usual. The second day of school was also usual. All days after that to this day were also usual. I went to campus, attended the class, did the tasks, and went home and watched my collection classical movies. I use word "usual" here to represent how cozy I am at the environment. There are no sentiment of being an international student, an alien, some one from the end of the world sense here.

Situation of the class in America is much different from what in Indonesia. The main different that I see most is how the classroom activities is just a small part of the syllabus. The amount of reading that should be read before the class some times overwhelming. Another distinction is the availability of the professor for office hour consultation. I do not believe professor in Indonesia have this kind of facilitation, especially that mentioned by their availability in their office. In Indonesia we will just need to come to see them, if they have a good mood they will answer us, or if not, avoid us.

I just talk about exam at the beginning. The exam here and in Indonesian campus feels very different, in the way the professor prepare the student for exam. The professor in here, during normal classes are understanding oriented, before exam will provide facilitation to ensure every students pass the exam and give the mark measurably. In Indonesia, some professor might will do this, but mostly will not. Most professor in Indonesia will teach what they will test in exam from day one, do not care whether the student understand the material, and do not say how they give the mark for the result of the exam. I receive every work that I have done here with comment from the professor about my mistakes, or appreciation if I did a good job. Five and a half years in college, I have never seen back any of my working sheet from any exam. I think the last time I see my exam result was in high school. A professor  (I forget who and when) in Maxwell said that they teach seriously in Maxwell. I think that's how they do it.

"What will you do after the program?" is the common question that I have heard at the beginning of the program. Having no time to think, I will simply answer, "I will return to Indonesia". In Indonesia it sounds fit well, but here, that sound a little bit unusual. The comment that I got usually, "wow, that's good, what did you do back then, will you get increase in your salary?" I have no idea what to answer for this question because I don't have an idea about it. I will tell them that I work for customs, etc, etc. Some time I will also tell them that I left my son and daughter back in Indonesia. They will say, wow it must be hard. I will show a sad expression and say, you have no idea how hard it is... Silly me, I do not know why, I found consolation from hearing some one said that they understand my life. After all, wwe may continue the conversation to many things. Some time my partner in this talk will say something that I don't understand clearly. In the situation I will end up nodding. My ears are not a fast learner. This happen often in the first month. 

On daily life, I also began to see what american life really is. It is America. There is an event in TV today that I think can describe it better because I cannot narrate it very well. Today, (the day I write this, see the first paragraph), around 1 to 1:30 PM, Obama had a press conference. He was questioned about many things, and he answered it as usual. After all listed questions finished, and Obama would leave the stage, some one shouting a question that did not clearly heard by the microphone and one who asked was not also  shot by the camera. Obama said, "that was a great question, but it will be a bad precedent (or president, I am not sure) if I answer your question just because you yell it out". Obama then leave the stage and every body laugh. That is America. Every thing is neatly arranged on the stage, and every body follow and know their role. Any body that do not obey the role are recognized, but ignored. That made American appearance; leisure, serious and elegant. If the same situation happen in Indonesia, I think Indonesian president would have walk away, smile and wave to the public before the man finish his question. I think that is how American dream is made, although it promise nothing, but people think it promise them everything.

Another trivia, the last for this post, I can see how the depiction in Wall-e are actually based on real life situation. Every time I passed the hall between Maxwell and Eggers, I cant ignore the photos of Maxwell Deans there. The thing that I notice there is how the collar size of Maxwell deans have increased through the time. It always reminding me of the scenes where the captains of the axioms grows their collar neck through the time.    I am happy that the current dean does not follow the patron. I hope they will put his photograph soon there, so I can erase my imagination.


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